function cycles through each possible address in the
vehicle, finding each controller and reporting its Address,
Name, Protocol, Controller VAG Number, Component Number,
Soft. Coding, and Work Shop Code.
Note: No one car has all Modules! Newer cars have more,
older cars have fewer.
Address lets you specify
This begins the finder. Beware; a "full" scan can take 45
minutes or more. Of course, you can scan selected address
This stops the finder.
[Clear Results]
This erases your results.
[Copy Results]
If you close the Finder dialog, any data in
its output box will be lost. If you would like to keep a
record, click the
[Copy Results]
button first, then you can then paste the results into the
application of your choice, such as MS Word or Notepad.
[Print Results]
This sends the results to your printer
To return
to the Main Screen, click