Corresponds to VAS 5051/5052 function 15
The Readiness Code is a set of 8 bits, each of which corresponds to one monitored emissions "system" in an OBD-II car. When all readiness bits show "Passed", it means that all systems have been checked and have passed the on-board tests. The Readiness screen shows the name of the script in the title bar and under the [Set Readiness] button, or gives a reason why [Set Readiness] is disabled when that is the case.
VCDS also decodes Readiness bits into meaningful data on modern TDI engines including US-market Common-Rail TDI-140 engines. Diesel Readiness is a VCDS exclusive, not even the VAS-5051/5052 does this:
Whenever you clear DTCs, all readiness bits that are testable will be set to "Fail" or "Failed or Incomplete". Most cars do not have all 8 systems, so the ECU should recognize the bits corresponding to systems that are not actually in the car. These will come up "Passed" automatically without going through any tests.
It takes a variety of specific driving conditions to "test" all the systems. In practice, driving a properly-functioning car for 2-3 days including at least one short highway trip, should be sufficient to test each of the Readiness Bits to set all of the testable ones to "Pass". It can be done in a short time using a very specific and complicated procedure found in the On Board Diagnostic section of the Factory Repair Manual for your engine or you can use the Guided Readiness Script function in VCDS as described below.
Click on [Save] to store the results to your PC, typically in this directory: C:\Ross-Tech\VCDS\Logs\
Use [Go Back] tto return to the Controller Information Screen.
The Guided Readiness Scripts function will guide the user through the process of setting Readiness on those engines which support it by clicking on the [Set Readiness] button. The button will be grayed out if Readiness bits are already set (you can clear fault codes to un-set them) or if appropriate documentation does not exist in VCDS for that specific ECU:
Use [Next] to advance through the on-screen prompts or [Cancel] to exit out of Guided Readiness.
The Guided Readiness Scripts require supporting data in Label files. Not every possible engine is currently documented but we hope to have most US-model engines covered in the near future. If you have a specific engine you would like to see covered and have a written procedure for it, please contact us, preferably by emailing an AutoScan.
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